Does this describe you?
- I wake up feeling worried or sad.
- I feel anxious about today, tomorrow and my future.
- I’ve been in therapy, but it wasn’t for me, or: the benefits didn’t last .
- I’m a ‘glass-half-empty’ person; my first thoughts about a situation are usually negative.
- I’ve been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder or with one of the other conditions listed on this page.
- I feel guilty and ashamed that I can’t “get it together.”
First, let’s look at that last item—the guilt and shame. We’ve all been through tough times in life. It’s part of the human experience. The trouble is, during our ‘down’ days, it’s hard to envision brighter days when our lives will be better.
As a therapist with over 20 years of experience, I’ve witnessed how CBT has helped my clients to repair their lives and relationships—often after just a few sessions.
CBT is a research-supported, short-term and goal-driven type of therapy. CBT focuses on how our thoughts drive our feelings and how our feelings drive our everyday behaviors.
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
~William Shakespeare
In contrast to other forms of psychotherapy, CBT is more focused on the present, more time-limited, and more problem-solving oriented. You will learn specific skills that you can use for the rest of your life. Unlike traditional talk therapy, you are much more actively involved in your own treatment.
During therapy sessions we will:
- Identify your thought patterns and how they influence how you feel, behave and relate to others.
- Create an action plan tailored just for you.
- Teach you specific skills that will allow you to make changes quickly.
- Support you as you build your toolbox of immediate, practical and long-term life skills to live better.
What’s Different about CBT?
Time limited and highly structured: CBT works much faster than traditional psychotherapy. We focus on the present, not the past, and how you can modify your current thought patterns to give you immediate, practical and long-term life skills. While the therapy’s duration may be short, the effects will be long-lasting.
Over 2,000 studies have proven that CBT is effective:
- The National Institute for Health and the American Psychological Association deem CBT as a “first-line” treatment for depression, anxiety, anger control problems, stress and other psychosocial disorders.
- In some studies, CBT was shown to be as effective as medication, but without medication’s potential side effects
The focus is on change: I provide empathetic listening to support you while providing you with practical skills to feel better.
Active involvement: Yes, there will be homework. Just like learning any other new skill (carpentry, piano, cooking), in between each therapeutic session, you get to practice your new approaches. With time and practice, these approaches will become part of your long-term “tool box.”
- Anxiety
- Panic Disorder
- Phobias
- Grief
- Chronic Pain
- Eating Disorders
- Depression
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Stress
- Low Self-Estee
- Anger Management
- Tinnitus
- Alcohol Abuse
Experience and Empathy: As an experienced therapist, I combine empathy and skillful listening with structured therapy. We set agendas, goals, and strategies to help you to feel and live better. I founded the Center for Life Strategies in Reston, Virginia because I wanted to help people to live happier, healthier lives.
Specialty Trained and Certified: In addition to my specialization and experience in working with CBT, I am trained and certified in several other specialty therapies which include T.E.A.M . CBT, Clinical Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programing and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). When needed, I combine modalities for best results.
Diverse Life and Therapeutic Experiences: As a U.S. army officer for 23 years, I have a diverse background and have worked extensively with military members and their families.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Clinical Hypnosis: I often combine CBT with clinical hypnosis. This combination has many benefits:
- In 18 clinical studies, clients who received both cognitive behavioral treatment and clinical hypnosis showed an improvement rate that was 70% higher than those who received CBT only (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology).
- What I do is unique because it is designed to use both your conscious and your unconscious mind. Hypnosis is a specialized technique, NOT a therapy itself. By using hypnosis I help you amplifies and accelerate the effect of CBT. Who doesn’t want faster results?
- “ Hypnosis can be used to amplify whatever it is about therapy that makes it therapeutic. It permits a wide range of choices regarding where and how to intervene…” Ng BY, Lee TS. Hypnotherapy for sleep disorders. Annals, Academy of Medicine, Singapore. 2008 Aug;37(8):683-8. PMID: 18797562.
Here’s what people are saying:
“I didn’t realize how much my negative self-talk was affecting me. I was anxious all the time. I was amazed at how quickly I started feeling better and how much control I gained over my anxiety. I will use these CBT tools forever.”
~Lori T. October 2019
“I had been in therapy for 6 months and was not feeling any better. Once I started CBT with Dr. Ritchie, I started feeling better after the very first session. She taught me strategies to use that really worked. CBT has changed my life .”
~William T. January 2020
“I knew I wanted CBT but was skeptical about the hypnosis. After experiencing it and getting dramatic changes, I am so grateful that I found Linda. Working with her has changed my life .”
~Jenni S. March 2021
Our sessions are going to be different from anything you’ve done before. I use an integrated approach to work with both your conscious and unconscious mind to release negative feelings and integrate new skills and strategies. I use cognitive behavioral techniques (CBT), combined with hypnosis, neuro-linguistics programing techniques (NLP), and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to help you take back control of your life.
I customize your sessions to your particular needs so you get exactly what you need to get the results you want.